Privacy Policy


We, Tahoma d.o.o., take protection of your personal data very seriously and strictly adhere to the rules laid out by data protection laws.
The following policy provides an overview of how we ensure this protection and what kind of data is collected for what purpose.

2. Information about the Collection of Personal Data

Below we provide information about the collection of personal data when using this website and the Tahoma d.o.o. services. Personal data is any data that can personally reference you, such as your name, address, email addresses, user behavior, IP address.

3. Data Security

We maintain technical measures to ensure data security, in particular to protect your personal data from threats when transmitting data as well as from third party access. These measures are adjusted according to the latest technologies.

4. Collection of Personal Data for Informational Use

When you merely use the website for informational purposes, i.e. if you do not send us request/question via contact form, submit a ticket, or otherwise provide us with information, we do not collect any personal data, except for the data transmitted by your browser that enables you to access the website. This includes:

  • IP address
  • Date and time of the request
  • Time zone difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
  • Browser
  • Operating system
  • Language and version of the browser software
  • The country of origin for the visitor

5. Information about the Use of Cookies

Furthermore, cookies are stored on your computer when you use the website. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your hard disk in association with the browser you are using and through which specific information flows to the agency that sets the cookie (in this case, us). Cookies cannot initiate programs nor deliver viruses to your computer. They serve only to make the internet service more user-friendly and effective.
The information stored using cookies is stored separately from any additional data provided with us. In particular, the cookie data is not associated with your other data.
This website uses persistent cookies, among others. Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a specified period that may differ depending on the cookie. The persistent cookies that we use persist for about 3 hours after the time they are no longer in use or after the browser is closed.
You are always able to delete the cookies in the security settings of your browser.

6. Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “Cookies”, text files that are stored on your computer and enable analysis of your use of the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. If you enable IP anonymization on this website, your IP address from Google will be truncated within Member States of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional circumstances will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. By order of the operator of the website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, compile reports on website activity, and provide other services regarding website and internet use to the website operator.
The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of the Google Analytics will not be merged with other data from Google.
You may block cookies from being stored by adjusting the settings in your browser software; however, we would like to point out that in this case, you may not be able to use all of the features on this website to their full extent.
You can also block the collection of the data generated by the cookie and the data related to your use of the website (incl. your IP address) to Google as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing a browser plugin available from the following link:
This website uses Google Analytics with the extension “_anonymizeIp()”. As a result, IP addresses are processed in a shortened form and direct references to people can be excluded.
The use of Google Analytics is carried out in accordance with the conditions to which the German data protection authorities have agreed on with Google.
Information about the third-party provider: Google Dublin, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, Fax: +353 (1) 436 1001.
Terms of Use:,
Overview on data protection:,
as well as the privacy policy:

7. Use of Our Website Features

In addition to an informative use of our website, we offer various services that can be used based on your interests. To do this, you must usually provide additional personal data that we will then use to provide the respective service. If extra voluntary details could be provided, these will be marked accordingly.

7.1 Use of the “Contact” Feature

When you contact us via email or via the contact form, we will store your email address and, if you have provided them, your name and phone number in order to answer your question

7.2 Use of the “Support” Feature

When you place a support request, you will be prompted to send an email request. Therefore, when you contact us here, we will store your email address, your name, and your telephone number, if you have provided it, in order to answer your questions. We will also store your message so that we can process your request.

7.3 Use of the “Career” Feature

If you are interested in a career with Tahoma d.o.o., you will be directed by this to the appropriate career page. We will ask consent to use and store your personal information, such as name, surname, email. We will use this information to contact and select new employees and keep it for a while if there is a need for new employment. The retention period to which we will keep this data is 2 years. At any point you can ask for withdrawal and deletion of your personal information.

7.4 Use of the “Let’s Talk Business” Feature

If you are interested in cooperating with Tahoma d.o.o., you will be prompted to send an email request. We will ask consent to store your personal information, such as name and email and other data regarding your business needs if you have provided it.  We will use this information so we can process your request and to give you an offer regarding your needs.

8. Consent and Limits to Use

When entering personal or business data (email address, names, addresses), the disclosure of your data is entirely voluntary. By entering this data, you indicate your consent that the entered data can be collected, processed, or used for the purposes of establishing contact, processing contracts, for advertising, or for the protection of our own legitimate business interests with regard to advising and supporting our customers and prospective customers. It will not be collected, processed, or used for any other purpose. This consent may be revoked with future effect at any time.
Such data will not be transferred to third parties unless this is specifically requested by yourself. Companies affiliated with us shall not be regarded as third parties.

9. Data Transfer to Third Parties

We can transfer your personal data to third parties if we offer participation in campaigns, contests, reservations, or contract agreements in conjunction with a third party. In this case, you will be informed specifically about the transmission to the third parties before your data is forwarded.
In some cases, we use external service providers to process your data. We have chosen these providers carefully and have commissioned them in writing. They are bound by our directives and are regularly monitored by us. These service providers will not forward this data to third parties. As these service providers are located in the EU, we will notify you of this in connection with the respective functions. This data processing is also carried out according to current law.
Comments on posts in the blog, among other things, are accessible to everyone. You should check your posts before publishing them in order to ensure that they do not contain information that is not intended for the public. You have to anticipate that your posts will appear in search engines and that they can be accessed globally without a purposeful call to our offering.

10. Right to Obtain Information and Revocation

You have the right to request information from us about the data stored about you with us at any time, as well as to their origin, recipients or categories of recipients to whom this data is transmitted, and the storage purpose.

If you have given consent for the use of data, you can revoke this consent at any time.

All requests and inquiries for information or objections for data processing should be sent by email to [email protected] or to the address specified in Point 13.

11. Integration of Third Party Services

It is possible that third party content will be integrated from other websites within this website, such as videos from YouTube, maps from Google Maps, RSS feeds, or graphics. This always presupposes that the providers of such content (hereinafter referred to as the “third-party provider”) detect the IP address of the user. Because without the IP address, they could not send the content to the browser of each user. The IP address is therefore necessary to present this content. We strive to use only such content whose respective providers use the IP addresses solely to deliver the content. However, we have no control over whether the third-party providers save the IP addresses for statistical purposes, for example. We inform users about this insofar as this is known to us.
We are always careful that the European standard for data protection is maintained in order to effectively protect your data.

12. Additional Information

Your trust is important to us. That is why we are always available to talk with you at any time and answer any questions concerning how your data is processed. If you have any questions that could not be answered by this privacy policy or if you wish to receive more in depth information about any topic within it, please contact the Data Protection Officer at any time at: [email protected].

13. Address

Tahoma d.o.o.
Veliko Brdo 33 D
21300 Makarska

E-Mail: [email protected]


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